I promised myself I wouldn’t do an introductory post and instead just get into the content of whatever this will end up being, but some of that content revolves around how I speak. And I thought that’d be a great way to start this thing: to sort of set the tone.
So, yeah, I tend to say “I think” a lot. Partly because of doubt, because sometimes it’s hard for me to be 100% sure about the things I talk about. I try to leave room for more understanding, so maybe it’s a little more than just doubt.
But since I don’t want to say “I think” before every single sentence of every single post, I’m going to use my doubt quota here. You may have noticed already, but this is also a slightly convoluted way of saying everything from here onward is my opinion, my understanding – it’s what I think – unless of course I’ve explicitly sourced facts from somewhere, which I hope to do thoroughly when possible.
So with that out of the way I guess I can start.