It’s funny, recently I talked to a friend about writer’s block, feeling uninspired, feeling like I have nothing to say, and they said I should just keep going and not stop. That I should just make sure I put something down daily, no matter what it is, no matter how little. That what’s important is that I show up for myself everyday and that at some point along the way I’ll find that whatever “big” works I had been planning will just form themselves from the things I write daily. That day I wrote, in part about that, and now it’s wound up here.

Nevertheless I have not been showing up for myself daily, but I have been trying to be more consistent. Since that conversation I’ve already written more than I did in the entirety of last year (though that’s an extremely low bar considering the total lack of works on this site lol), so at least I’m on the right track. I’m hoping I do have more to say soon. Actually I do have quite a few things to say. It’s just that I’ve been away from all this, and from myself, for so long that I guess I forgot about it all. But at the beginning of this year I decided to do my best to flip things around and I think it’s been working so far. Funny how far a little intentionality can take you.

P.S. I kinda almost died recently, so now I also have an increased amount of existential pressure to churn out whatever creative output I can, in this form and all others. Expect expansion :)